Friday, February 24, 2012

Why will NO ONE hire me?

Before judging, please read my entire question.

I just turned 30 and am currently living at my parent's house- Thank you- because I quit a job as an Entertainment Host aboard Disney Cruise Lines because it was awful, and very overwhelming. Now I'm stuck with no job. I have a Bachelor of Arts degree and I also have over 10 years of customer service experience, including 4 years working as a Corporate Facilitator Tour Guide at a world famous museum, and also was a Journalist Reporter at a very famous Newspaper company in Chicago (the Tribune, there I said it!)

For some reason though, all of these criteria and qualifications just isn't impressing employment agencies. I've been rejected everywhere I go. I got a phone call from one place downtown that said they wanted me to interview to be a tour guide with their company. Great, I thought. Then they say its only $8.25 an hour!!! That's ******* minimum wage! I have a college degree and tons of experience. I told them in a nice way I was not interested.

I was declined to be a flight attendant. I was declined to be a Teacher's Assistant at a University. I was even declined, get this, to be a WRITER for a company even though I have a degree from a arts school and was a WRITER for a top paper! Like what the ****?

Sorry to rant, but it makes absolutely no sense to me that employers are turning their backs to me. I worked for Disney for Christ's sake! I interview so well, and the only reason I'm coming off upset is because I AM ******* upset! And what's with the lousy pay people are offering me? A college graduate needs a salary, not an hourly wage. This is not right. Any ideas or reasons why this is happening?Why will NO ONE hire me?
No, a college graduate can take an hourly wage. Take whatever job you can get. It is really difficult finding work right now for everyone. Your not above any job. You sound like you have a very overinflated ego. Interviewers can pick up on that. The next interview you go on-be humble.
Times are tough right now. I'm sorry you're not having any luck - but keep your chin up because it will get better.

If you went to a large university, you might find their internal career services website helpful. The listings there are usually from alumni, so you'll have a leg up already. Best of luck.Why will NO ONE hire me?
I think you shall take the job that pay low wages and you will get a raise you just have to prove yourself first and just get your feet in the door and you have to start at the bottom and work your way up.
I agree with Gia. You sound a bit like your "all that" well if you were then why did you have so Many different jobs? Obviously there were problems? Be thankful for what you can get! Any money is better than no money...

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